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Murkon's Refuge: About character states
Posted By: Joona I Palaste, on host
Date: Sunday, February 16, 2003, at 14:29:36

I've been wondering, isn't the PARALYSED state in Murkon's Refuge just a "mild version" of the DEAD state? Evidence:
1) A paralysed character can't do anything at all until awoken. A dead character can't do anything at all until resurrected.
2) If a character is paralysed at the end of a fight, he/she doesn't gain any experience. Neither does a dead character.
3) If all characters are *either* dead *or* paralysed, the party is defeated.
4) Paralysis can only be cured at the Clinic, not at the Inn. Death can also be cured at the Clinic.
5) Paralysis can be cured with the AWAKE spell. Death can also be cured with the RESURRECT spell.
Curing death at the Clinic costs more than curing paralysis, and the RESURRECT spell is later and takes more SP than the AWAKE spell. Still, the effects are the same.
So far I have found only two differences:
1) Monsters can awake each other from paralysis but not resurrect each other. Player characters can do either.
2) Player characters can be awoken from paralysis in the middle of a fight but only resurrected after the fight is over.
Also the RESURRECT spell leaves the character with only 1 hit point, but resurrection at the clinic gives full hit points.

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