Re: Tamarind and Pepsi Blue
Faux Pas, on host
Sunday, December 8, 2002, at 09:56:16
Re: Tamarind and Pepsi Blue posted by Sam on Sunday, December 8, 2002, at 09:08:17:
> > > Next up: Pepsi Blue. I haven't heard one person speak well of it, and that made me all the more curious. > > The verdict: Yuck. > > It's not as bad as that Tamarind soda, because I think I can probably drink the bottle of it, but it's pretty awful. It's interesting how the taste evolves, though. I did some timing tests with my watch and came up with the following: > > From the moment the drink hits the tongue... > > ...seconds 0-3: Blue taste dominates. It's sweet and mildly fruity, although not reminiscent to any terrestrial fruit that I know of. This phase is reasonably pleasant. > > ...seconds 3-6: Pepsi taste emerges. I like Pepsi, but the combination of Pepsi and Blue can only be described as unholy. Must swallow quickly to get rid of the taste, but it won't. > > ...second 6: Swallow. One half second of relief. > > ...seconds 6.5-8: Unholy fumes pervade the oral and nasal passages. This is the most unpleasant phase. > > ...seconds 8-17: Fumes dissipate, but taste lingers. Blue taste starts to assert itself again, fading somewhat more slowly than the Pepsi taste fades. But the mix remains unholy. > > > Pepsi Blue is pretty bad. I did, however, conduct an experiment last month. Some friends and I got a bottle of that and a bottle of Mountain Dew Code Red and mixed them. The result? A pretty tasty beverage, if you like candy. It's like drinking gummy worms. Insane. > > That's the next experiment.
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