Re: Internet Explorer and Family
Miriam, on host
Friday, November 22, 2002, at 16:22:41
Internet Explorer and Family posted by Sam on Wednesday, November 20, 2002, at 11:50:45:
> Why do people use Internet Explorer or Outlook?
Because, in my house, using Internet Explorer was a form of teenage rebellion. That's why I used to use it, anyway. My father, who worked with the US Army's Infowar branch for a while and has been a computer hobbyist for as long as I can remember, refuses to use Internet Explorer for all the reasons you stated, Sam. Also, my best friend Yakir's website was viewable only in IE (a fact that caused him no small amount of inner torment). Finally, I used IE because it reminded me of Netscape 4, which I used until we updated to Netscape 6.2.
One day, I realized three things: 1. If using a browser my father doesn't like is the only way I can rebel, I must not be cut out for teenage rebellion. 2. Yakir hadn't updated his website in eight months. 3. Netscape 4 was horrid, and Netscape 6 is so much better.
So now I use Netscape all the time, again.
Mir"I have very little tolerance for bugs, too"iam