Re: Nitpicking
Nyperold, on host
Thursday, November 21, 2002, at 08:17:07
Nitpicking posted by Darien on Thursday, November 21, 2002, at 07:36:16:
[snip examples of horrid grammar, punctuation, etc. in company ads]
> But I *do* find it rather an abomination when a corporate web site - and even its ad banners - displays such sloppiness with the English language. I wonder what the actual cost of such sloppiness is; how many customers does that lack of attention to detail turn away? I know I'm less inclined to buy things from companies who show so little care for their publications. Anyone else the same way?
Well, considering that I don't purchase anything based on banner/pop-up ads (sorry!), I find them nothing more than things to Print Scrn, paste into iPhoto Plus 4, crop, save, and send c38's way.
I *do* purchase things based on previous experience with or personal recommendation of a product, and I *do* purchase at a location or from an interface based on the same.
Makes me wonder how much they pay people to create exhibits for the PHS...
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