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Re: We should all fight about split infinitives again
Posted By: Miriam, on host
Date: Saturday, November 16, 2002, at 19:12:27
In Reply To: Re: We should all fight about split infinitives again posted by Eric Sleator on Wednesday, November 6, 2002, at 23:29:27:

Oooh, it's grammar. I love grammar.

I've never liked split infinitives. They just freeze my shorts. Sure, they may have been invented because some crazy, stuffy men wanted English to be just like Latin, but stupid little rules like that are so ingrained in my mind that, when someone uses the language incorrectly, I can't help but shudder. (Wow, that was a long sentence.) Also, when people mispronounce words, I groan inwardly. I suppose I'm just an Armchair Defender of the English Language, but whatever.

Maybe I just need to get out more.


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