Re: Power conduits (again)
dec, on host
Saturday, November 9, 2002, at 06:59:55
Re: Power conduits (again) posted by Lucky Wizard on Thursday, November 7, 2002, at 18:01:15:
> > can someone please explain to me how to visualze the cardinal directions and what it means to cross the meridian? > > Visualize a donut. If it's lying flat on a table, and a pencil is on the very top of it, it's on the top circle. If you move the pencil along the top circle (which, if I recall correctly, is called a parallel), the pencil is moving along the north-south direction. If instead, you stop all north-south movement, and instead move it out/in and up/down, you're moving it along the east-west direction. (The circle created by this movement is a meridian, by the way. I'm not sure what you mean by "crossing the meridian", since I recall nothing special about crossing meridians.) > > This is all explained in the game text, though. > > Lucky "Good luck!" Wizard
The best thing to do it to draw them out on a paper and draw each step, you can't really picture it any other way(unless your some kind of genius).
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