Re: stuck at begining of POA(HELP ME!!!)
knivetsil, on host
Tuesday, November 5, 2002, at 05:54:49
Re: stuck at begining of POA(HELP ME!!!) posted by mandichaos on Tuesday, November 5, 2002, at 05:04:07:
> > it seems i can't do anything right here.last time iplayed i found the cat in the kitchen after the leash it's not there,every time i do either the primary boosters or the power conduits job it turns out wrong ieven drew a diagram read the instructions a million times and.......don't let me bore you more but where is the third person onthe busniess card and i'm missing three tubes IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZY.ihave > > > > Leather Briefcase > > Supply Room Card > > Radio Receiver > > Washcloth > > > > Employment Papers > > Business Card > > Fire Extinguisher > > Plastic Cup > > > > I.D. Card > > Crowbar > > Pet Leash > > Round Pot > > > > Passcard (CQ60537) > > Light Tube > > Pet Snacks > > Small Mirror > > > > spoilers ,hints anything is welcome > > > You're not gonna find the last tube til near the very end... the kitchen job is one of the last things you do in POA. Don't worry about it. > > You CAN'T catch the cat in the kitchen. She'll make another stop by a certain brat, you'll try to catch her, she'll run away, and THEN you will find her in an area with one exit (which you can close off before going after her), and you'll finally be able to catch her. > > As for the power conduits: search the boards, every allowable answer is here. If we post answers that are any more detailed than what's already here, it'll be treated as a spoiler and deleted. > > (What worked for me was drawing two donuts, one representing the top half of the Coriolis and the other representing the bottom half. The numbered conduits match up in a "mirror image" - for example, if you put M26E at the bottom of the first donut, you'll put M26W at the top of the second donut. Heck, if it drives you nuts, cut the donuts out and tape the two cutouts together so you literally have 2 sides to work with. Start with one of the conduits that has a broken connection and work your way around.) > > The boosters: Make sure you've talked to Sawyer about this; it's a HECK of a lot easier than the conduits. Four must point south, two must point north. You can find out which ones by just plotting a circle of 6 points and carefully reading what Sawyer and Johnson have told you. (Trust me, you will smack yourself. I know I did.) > > The business card - I can't recall all the names on the card, so here's where I think the most likely candidates are. Carson is in CQ3, Harris and Munson are in CQ6, and Fresner is in CQ1 next door to Verna. > > Hope this helps somewhat. > > -Mandi
Actually, if I remember correctly, the third person on the card does absolutely nothing. Just concern yourself with Harris and Carson.