Re: Very cool, but sort of scary too
Ellmyruh, on host
Wednesday, October 30, 2002, at 07:06:47
Re: Very cool, but sort of scary too posted by Darien on Wednesday, October 30, 2002, at 04:07:22:
> > This is very cool but sort of scary too, as the *one and only* time I've ever played the harp in front of an audience was when Sam, Leen and Dave were lying around on an air mattress on my spare room floor and I was messing around trying to remember some pieces in between talking and throwing wadded-up airline socks at each other. So I do not think this counted as a formal occasion. > > What in heaven's name is an airline sock?
"Among the items passed out during the flight was a pair of complimentary socks -- truly the strangest item I have ever seen dispensed by a transportation service. Even more bizarre than that, the socks were only just long enough to extend above the heel and not quite above the ankle."
Airline socks
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