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Re: Extreme weather conditions
Posted By: Zarniwoop, on host
Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2002, at 15:03:05
In Reply To: Re: Extreme weather conditions posted by Sigi on Tuesday, October 29, 2002, at 12:24:42:

> > What is the worst weather everyone's actually been out and about in? This includes anything in the open air, or in transit to somewhere else inside a car, train etc. Being inside also counts if the building you were in was damaged by the weather.
> Mine was probably after being forced to play football in the school games lesson. I was in something of a minority there (still am) in that I absolutely loathed playing that game. My idea of hell is the eternal game of football, where everyone is bigger than me, there's a biting wind, and the ref's whistle never, ever seems to blow. Oh wait, that's what this was like. It was the only time that my hands have ever got so cold that my fingers seized up. This wouldn't have been so bad in itself, except that I immediately had to get changed out of my wholly inadequate games kit and back into my school uniform for the trek back across town to catch a bus. (The school, in their infinite wisdom, had placed the sports field half a mile from the main buildings.) Obviously, buttons were almost impossible to do up, and shoelaces were a dead loss, so I ended up with only two buttons done up on my shirt and my coat zipped up on the outside so that I didn't actually flash at everyone on the way through town. My hands only melted enough to work again (and it did actually feel like melting) once I was on the bus and could put them down by the heaters. That's probably small fry in relation to everyone else's, but it wasn't nice at the time...

How odd. Probably my happiest school memory was this one insane game of hockey we played one day when there was a tube strike...

Yeah, so very few people in the whole school bothered to show up. So in PE, there were fifve girls and five boys. The girls disappeared to play badminton, and we (consisting of me and all my mates) went off to play this bonkers 3 vs 3 game of hockey on a tarmac rectangle about 100 yards long. It was alternating between drizzling and absolutely pissing down, and there we were. Three vs two and a teacher. And BOY, did we hammer them. I think the final score was about 12-5 to us. Oh, and because we were completely mad, we played a 'three touches then pass' rule, and kept 'you can only shoot from inside the arc', so it involved lots of haring round like blue-arsed flies trying to get long balls into the arc, then pegging it back when they got the ball. Nobody we didn't like, so no fear of someone suddenly taking the opportunity to swipe at your ankles...completely mad. At the end, we were drenched and exhausted, from laughing at each other as much as anything else. Completely nuts, it was.

Match highlight: Aside from Dean managing to save a penalty from us by gamely sacrificing his groin to the cause, probably the teacher tripping himself with his own stick and falling splat into the biggest puddle. When he got to the staffroom at lunchtime, they were apparently telling him they could hear the ensuing cries of "She! Fell over! She! Fell over!" from all over the school.

A bright moment in an otherwise awful five years.

Zarn"She! Fell over!"iwoop

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