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Re: Time and my major.
Posted By: Rivikah, on host
Date: Thursday, October 24, 2002, at 07:07:00
In Reply To: Time and my major. posted by Gahalia on Wednesday, October 23, 2002, at 08:33:55:

> This isn't the only reason I have thought about changing my major, of course, but it sort of confirms that a little. Can you change a major in the middle of your third year?
> I don't know what to do.... we've already gotten our announcements that preregistration for next semester is soon, and I've been so horribly sleep-deprived that I haven't had a chance to think about tomorrow, much less next semester.... *whimper*

Take a deep breath, get something done early, have a good night's sleep, and find someone who knows something to ask your academic type questions to.

Maybe life will look rosier in the morning (and even if it doesn't you get a good night's sleep).


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