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Re: Nasty Contest
Posted By: knivetsil, on host
Date: Monday, October 14, 2002, at 18:32:52
In Reply To: Nasty Contest posted by Grishny on Friday, October 11, 2002, at 05:09:26:

Well, I'm glad (?) to announce that I am officially on the scoreboard. I had a nosebleed just last ight. It wasn't a big one, lasting only about five seconds, but it counts, and I'm in the game.

This brings something to mind. Why don't we keep score by how *much* we bleed, not how *often*? The way I see it, we carry a waterproof sack with us. Whenever we start to nosebleed, we let all the blood drip into the sack. At the end of winter, we weigh our sacks, and the heaviest wins. That way, the people who bleed all their blood at once have a fair chance in this competition. Of course, this would mean setting all scores back to zero as soon as we implement this.

kniv"not sure if I'm serious or not"etsil

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