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Re: 2 days, 6 Rinkies
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Saturday, October 12, 2002, at 21:07:10
In Reply To: Re: 2 days, 6 Rinkies posted by Minamoon on Friday, October 11, 2002, at 14:57:07:

> Well... It's really hard to describe. I think it's more of a rounder, fuller sound than I'm used to, and where my "o's" have almost an "ah" or "eh" sound at the very beginning and a "w" sound at the end, people from that part of the country don't seem to do that. It's pure O, all the way through. But it sounds weird. :-}

When you say an "o" this way, you have to make your lips into a very small, round, pursed O. Then you sort of drop your lower jaw down, and your tongue drops to the bottom of your mouth and sort of tries to form a concave shape down there. Try saying "Minnesota" this way, and you might see what I mean.

MinnesOta. MinnesOta. MinnesOta.


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