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Re: 2 days, 6 Rinkies
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2002, at 21:43:10
In Reply To: Re: 2 days, 6 Rinkies posted by Brunnen-G on Wednesday, October 9, 2002, at 17:37:36:

> > And now I know that once Darien meets someone with a different accent, he will *never* stop talking that way. Halfway through dinner he started with a slight British accent, and all he said after wintermute left was "bloody" this and "pish posh" that.
> Really? I'm sure he was talking perfect American the whole time when I met you.

I actually did start to assume your accent toward the end, which embarassed me even more after you called me the only person you'd met on the trip who didn't have an American accent. I do tend to absorb accents from people I'm around - I'm not really sure why. But I *do* know that the word "bloody" has been a part of my vocabulary since about forever (as a search of my past forum posts will undoubtedly reveal), and I only said "pip pip" and "eh wot" as a joke, 'cause she was picking on me for talking like a Brit.

So the moral of this story is: don't listen to her. She's always trying to make me look like a fool. :-}

Dar "I don't need anyone's help" ien

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