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Re: testimonials, I think
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2002, at 16:05:31
In Reply To: testimonials posted by Faux Pas on Tuesday, October 8, 2002, at 17:01:02:

For me, the great thing about RinkWorks is that most of my material is accepted. As any frustrated free-lance writer* knows, it is tough getting anything published in a magazine or a newspaper or any other paper product. But Rinkworks accepts all of my mishmash and pops it up for the world to read. (or laugh at or groan at or ridicule) Well, yes, on rare occasions some of my stuff gets zapped for being total nonsense, or when my poor spelling results in a cuss work. I think a few of my yarns have been offensive to certain groups of people, like Red Necks, fund-raising TV preachers, and drunk drivers, but these have disappeared into cyber never never land never to land on RinkWorks. All for the best,I reckon. But most of my tripe is there, warts and all, on the RinkWorks forum, and I feel published and warm all over.
*Can you call yourself a "free-lance writer" if you never get anything into print?

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