Re: For not paying sttention during music class...
Counterpoint, on host
Sunday, October 6, 2002, at 08:21:51
For not paying sttention during music class... posted by knivetsil on Sunday, October 6, 2002, at 06:49:00:
> Is a piano a string or percussion instrument? It has strings, but you strike them, rather than plucking them or running horse-hair over them.
I was taught that the piano was a percussion instrument, due to the hammers striking the strings. I decided to look it up in my textbooks, however, and this is what I found:
W. Piston's "Orchestration" lists it as keyboard. C. Forsyth's "Orchestration" lists it as either string or percussion, but thenceforth refers to it as a string. H. Berlioz's "Treatise on Instrumentation" lists it as a stringed instrument with keyboard. S. Adler's "Study of Orchestration" lists it as keyboard. "The New Harvard Dictionary of Music" lists it as a stringed keyboard.
The reason for using "keyboard" as an independent instrument class makes some sense; otherwise, the pipe organ would be a woodwind instrument (and quite an unwieldy one at that), for example. In the end, it's just a matter of semantics; the piano, along with all the keyboard instruments, bridges two instrument classes.
Counter"Hmm...the dulcimer seems to be classified as percussion..."point