Re: Contest (read footnote)
RiftTraveler, on host
Thursday, October 3, 2002, at 00:03:50
Re: Some Questions for Gremlinn -- Contest (read footnote) posted by gremlinn on Wednesday, October 2, 2002, at 23:52:04:
Personally, I've always preferred the name Rethukyon.
but then, now that i look at it without a sixteen year olds set of eyes (they're twenty two year old eyes now) that does look like a kind of dumb name.
How about Kyon? other ideas:
Kieran Taylon Cohl Somuka (Akumos backwards. I'm struggling here) Leras Llanran Che'or Gometo Dium
I think that about runs me out of names.
Unless you want to use something like Avalon, or GreenSea. Elvandalay is a kind of Elven name, and so is Rivulet (pronounced Rivulay).
Well, I gave it my best shot. I like the contest Gremlinn, and I hope one of thse names strikes your fancy.
Rift "Pick me please pick me please" Traveler
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