Re: Open Letter to all open source developers
Eric Sleator, on host
Wednesday, October 2, 2002, at 08:20:02
Open Letter to all open source developers posted by Dave on Tuesday, October 1, 2002, at 14:09:50:
On a related note, if you make or distribute fonts, and if you MUST have a readme file, please don't name it readme.txt (or .doc or .html or whatever). People don't just download one font at a time, and so it's probably going to get overwritten a thousand times over. If it's absolutely imperative to have a readme (which, unless the font has a crazy keyboard mapping or you require payment in the form of yaks, it isn't), name it as [font name].txt so that it's unique and doesn't give those of us unzipping it a trillion "Are you sure you want to overwrite this file????????!!!!!1111" messages.
-Eric Sleator Wed 2 Oct A.D. 2002
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