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A new scientific theory on snoring
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Friday, September 13, 2002, at 13:45:49

I haven't written a paper about this yet, but I am developing a new theory that fits into the evolution of man.

I got the idea while thinking about another theory, which was somebody else's idea. According to that theory, early man managed to survive in spite of being slower and weaker than some of the large carnivors that lived in the same area. The reason he didn't often wind up as a snack, is that he smelled so bad, large carnivors didn't want him. Try going without bathing for a few weeks and you'll see what I mean. The awful truth is that, in the days before soap and deodorant, people stunk really bad. Skunks also use this tecnique.

Now for *my* theory. I figured that there might be other reasons for man's survival and I came up with snoring. Listen to somebody snore for a while. At times, it sounds like snarling and growling. These are sounds that animals make to say, "Don't mess with me unless you want a real fight." Now try to imagine a dark cave full of sleeping cave persons. If ten or twelve of them are snoring mightly, there are some pretty frightening sounds coming out of that cave. Those saber-tooth cats just might not want to go in there. So man survived because stinking and snoring helped keep him from being eaten. Since snoring helped our ancestors survive, and non-snorers were more likely to be eaten, that could explain why so many people snore. I'm surprised that Darwin didn't think of that.

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