Re: sorta figured it out....
Jupiter, on host
Tuesday, September 10, 2002, at 10:42:04
Re: sorta figured it out.... posted by Brunnen-G on Monday, September 9, 2002, at 20:48:31:
> > ok, after thinking about it, i've come to the conclusion that i probably can't do anything until i get that raffle ticket in the maze...which i'm finding freakin impossible. I know i need that ladder from the maid to get up the tree(or at least that's what i'm assuming). So ignore what i was asking before, i can figure it out on my own....i just need a hint as to where in that god-awful maze the raffle ticket is. It would make my life a lot easier! thanks! > > The raffle ticket, as somebody else mentioned in a previous reply to you, is NOT necessary to finish the game. It's just an extra bonus item which can make it a bit easier. But if you never find it, that will not affect your game in any way at all.
Um, that doesn't make sense, because I need the raffle ticket to get the vaccum voucher to give to the maid, to get the ladder. I can't think of any other way to help the maid out.
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