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Re: transporter questions
Posted By: Platypi007, on host
Date: Tuesday, September 3, 2002, at 16:10:01
In Reply To: Re: transporter questions posted by uselessness on Sunday, September 1, 2002, at 13:03:55:

The device you have described was called in Star Trek, a "replicator" and it would replicate matter based on ready made formulas in the computer, or you could enter one. Thus giving captian picard the ability to walk up to one of the many replicator facilities on the Enterprise and say, "Tea, Earl Grey, Hot" and recieve a steaming cup of earl grey tea in a teacup, which materialized on the replicator device.

As far as transportation of matter goes, I read that recently some scientests were able to transport a particle of light from one spot in a room to another, and also that some scientists were able to freeze a beam of light and reanimate it. I do not remember where it was that I read this though, perhaps someone else knows.

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