Re: TOA need help at beginning !!!
lindalloo, on host
Sunday, September 1, 2002, at 12:26:06
Re: TOA need help at beginning !!! posted by knivetsil on Sunday, September 1, 2002, at 11:31:07:
> > > > > > thanks for steering me in the right direction. I've managed to play soccer now & will explore tomorrow for changes. hanging in there !!! > > > > > > Did you also make friends and influence people while you were playing? *That* will help you get the car open, eventually. > > > > > > mac "aim below the belt" rinus7 > > > > sure it's like too many things going at once. have my id card. took a ride in the car. delivered V & S to a "safe" place. have my red dress & heels, the note from Chris. thought I'd be able to sneak the nerds past the "jerk" by using the gas canister. > > You can't get past the jock. You'll have to find another way. > > > that didn't happen. tried to get the nerds to the electronics in my room. not happening. > > You don't need to. > > > still Sat afternoon, too early to meet Chris or get help moving the syllabus (?). > > Who might be a "handyman" that you could get to help you with moving the syllabi? > > > thought I'd be able to use the dollar bill for tokens. nope. > > You won't need tokens unless you signed up for the economics class. For the dollar bill, go for a drive with your new friends. > > > just wandering til I figure out what next. ?? ideas ??
must have missed a step somewhere. I played soccer. argued with Pugilo. the guys that helped with the hassle by my car, are gone. haven't seen them around anymore & don't know where to find them. rode in the car, alone. played soccer again. no "friends" showed up. still wandering.....again
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