Re: stuck again on toa
hellso, on host
Monday, August 26, 2002, at 11:14:14
Re: stuck again on toa posted by mandichaos on Monday, August 26, 2002, at 10:53:01:
> > > > i need to know, like after you find the church and costume in the auditorium, where do you go to get a crow bar to pry open the door, it said i might have to wait till sunday so in the mean time is there anything important to do on saturday other than protest with the pickit signs? > > > > > > For the crowbar, where do you usually find crooked, metal objects? If you're still on the picket signs, then there's a *lot* more to do on Saturday. > > > > well if it is in the dump or what ever it is i couldnt find anything there. > > Don't worry about the crowbar right now. You're on the right track with the picketing thing; you just need to make the protest get SERIOUSLY out of hand. > > Once the stampede's passed, you'll find something that'll be useful for getting in on a certain game by the gym. do you know what to do after getting the geeks? i cant find them anymore, i had them and then they disappeared, where would they be?
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