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RU3: The Short Version
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2002, at 11:54:05

The RinkUnion ruled far beyond most everything else ever. My detailed report is getting posted on my LiveJournal because otherwise it would make one really, really long post, but here are some brief highlights:

Stephen did in fact not kill me, even though I called him and Mia CUTE CUTE CUTE because they were kissing almost every other second, but when they weren't smooching they were mostly occupied in calling Darien and/or Dave gay. Oh, and they went out and bought "leather pants" and "charcoal".

Lynette is insanely poingy in real life and she did several hug attacks on people that occasionally ended in knocking them over. She stole sugar packets from restaurants and everyone screamed in horror when Gabe gave her a pack of Pixy Stix on Sunday. She also jumped in the swimming pool for no reason at all, while fully clothed.

Cynthia only tried to kill Lynette once. Cynthia is also really cool, even while running on very little sleep. She pretty much became the Official RinkUnion Sound Effects Woman, too. She and flyingcats also gave out about a million gifts to everybody, so they are 733t.

Morris took notes almost as much as Ellmyruh did, and Stephen kept asking him if his briefcase was a bomb. He also had post-it notes that made nice substitutes for /labeling people, and the longest hair of anyone at the RU with the possible exception of Maryam.

Speaking of Maryam, I found out I'd been pronouncing her name ALL WRONG even though I've met her twice before. She and Matthew both ruled, and Matthew's least favorite occupation was "Frenchman".

Faux Pas and Tamara were ruling, although Tamara almost beat us all up when Faux Pas dropped his pants and everyone was taking pictures. I'm not entirely sure this event can be explained, so just smile and nod.

No-rules-whatsoever volleyball RULES, especially when played by a bunch of computer geeks who mostly have no skillz at all. gremlinn, Mia, and Ellmyruh were pretty good though. Darien kept missing the ball. Also, we almost killed Don and when he threw the ball back it hit a palm tree and almost killed me.

Stephen and Dave said "CRUD" and "BURN" a couple times and yelled at each other a lot with these little plastic robots Cynthia gave them. Stephen's robot was pink and (supposedly) therefore gay, so Dave made fun of it. They also wrestled at the beach. Brunnen-G also threw Sam, and Sam tried to make up with a hug and then attacked her again, but she was too smart for that.

Marvin played the penny game with great dedication, made a point of being annoying while playing Faux Pas' RinkChat card game, and was killed in one poke by ahmoacah. ahmoacah also ruled a lot and went to the airport with me.

A bunch of us went on a carousel, but Marvin didn't so Cynthia called him a wuss.

gremlinn eats BRAINS. We saw him.

Stephen looks very scary in goth makeup. Brunnen-G is scarier for putting it on him, although the fact that she was able to get away with that suggests she has great and awesome power.

Otis ruled. WHAT'S MY WORD?

Beasty brought me CHOCOLATE and was the 733t barbeque mastar on Sunday. We also used his phone to order pizza, thereby calling from England to order pizza from two miles away.

Sam and Leen were of course VERY cool. Leen's horseys are really amazing in real life, and the horse-show people thought so too because she showed up with a zillion ribbons. I got hugs from Sam and bought a RinkWorks shirt from him, too.

Stephen's reading of the HUMAN FLESH poem ruled. I've been told my valley girl reading of the death poem ruled too, supposedly.


"Five words: Dead parents can't follow you."

I am going next year if I have to walk on my hands to get there.

Sosi"truly teh bets gaem, evar!!11"qui

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