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Re: Anti-American sentiment
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Saturday, July 27, 2002, at 04:01:49
In Reply To: Anti-American sentiment posted by Dave on Friday, July 26, 2002, at 10:58:43:

> What I'm interested in hearing is mostly from non-US Rinkies who either have or have been exposed to anti-US feelings from countrymen at some point to attempt to give me an explanation for those feelings. If you present your views in a rational and non-emotional way I promise no to flame you.
> -- Dave

I don't really come across much anti-Americanism in my daily life, but sections of the media (especially the more liberal broadsheets) seem to make a hobby of it.

America has been getting some bad press recently, although this is as much that all American accountants are liars and cheats as anything else. The only policy decisions that are attracting anti-American sentiment are the withdrawl from the Kyoto Agreement, the ICC and the Anti-Torture Directive. These are generally seen as good things, and America's reasons for pulling out (as presented) are, at best, weak.

On the whole, though, Britian's view of America is mostly favourable, like a younger brother who might be a little impetuous, but has his heart in the right place.

As elsewhere, people do resent the "Americanisation" that is happening, and will be quite vocal when a branch of McDondald's or Starbucks opens in a country village somewhere. On the other hand, SuGo (a franchised sushi restaurant) will be seen as "novel". This double standard is quite hard to avoid, and seems to center around specific, well known companies rather than any genuine anti-American sentiment. Of course, enough people still buy their products to keep this "Americanisation" a profitable venture.

On the other ahnd, there is a fair amount of of "jokey" America-bashing, but no more than there is of, say, Germany-bashing, or Wales-bashing. That just seems to be a part of the national character.

winter "At the end of the day, we know that other countries only really exist for our amusement"mute

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