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The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Sunday, July 7, 2002, at 12:20:28

Most of the regulars here know that we bought our first home a couple months ago. Now that we have a hefty mortgage to pay every month, we've had to make some lifestyle changes, looking for ways to cut our expenses and save money.

Last week, the thought occurred to me that I might be able to save a bit by availing myself of our public transportation system. We have a very good bus system here, and I used to ride the buses somewhat frequently during my high school and college years. After looking into it, I discovered that the very route that stops three blocks from our house also stops three blocks from where I work! So that settled that; I bought a bus pass and started riding last Tuesday. We'll save money not only on gasoline, but also on wear and tear on our car.

Usually my bus ride, both to work and back home, is pretty uneventful and quiet. I always bring a book or magazine along to read, since there's not much else to do during a half hour bus ride. Friday's trip home, however, was interesting.

We were let off work an hour and twenty minutes early for the holiday weekend, so I caught an earlier bus than I normally do. When the bus stopped downtown, a very dirty, sweaty fellow, covered with paint splotches got on. He had dark, thick bushy hair and a mustache. I didn't pay much attention to him, because I was absorbed in David Copperfield.

About two stops before he got off, this guy just suddenly, for no apparent reason, started yelling at the bus driver. He had a thick Russian-sounding accent, and I couldn't understand everything he was saying, but he was irate. Why he decided to vent his feelings on the bus driver, I don't know; perhaps he rides that route every day and this is a regular occurence. From what I could make out, he believes that America can't adequately fight terrorism because the police are urban terrorists who stole his car, which is why he has to ride the bus. He said they told him he should go back to his own country, and he wants to go back to his own country, but he can't because they stole his car.

He ranted on like this for about eight blocks while the driver tried to get him to be quiet. I pretended to ignore the guy with my nose in my book, but instead of reading I was listening and thinking "this will make a great forum post." Finally he yanked the cord to request a stop and tromped off the bus with a sullen look on his face.


Gri"dum-dum-dum... another one rides the bus!"shny

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