Re: TOA help needed desperately
Faith, on host
Tuesday, July 2, 2002, at 17:43:17
Re: TOA help needed desperately posted by Faith on Tuesday, July 2, 2002, at 17:37:10:
> Got the part about hiding Silus and Verna, and about the dollar bill. Thanks Gremlinn! > > > > > > I don't know where to get the crowbar that I see everyone else on these boards talking about. I seem to be in the same place as them, with all of the same items as them except the crowbar. > > > > > > I really hope someone can help me. Spoilers or exact answer, doesn't matter. Thanks a bunch in advance. > > > > > > List of items in case it's helpful to you: > > > 2 rocks; map of elkwood; backpack; purse; id card; hovercar key; t-shirt; gym shorts; tennis shoes; note from chris; picket; enrollment sheet > > I just went and got my course textbooks. > > *I have also finished Luna's mission now. So I have the jet pack. And also I have high-heeled shoes; red dress; rusty key; Luna's plans; and the mouse trap. Which is another problem. I can't catch the rat. I chased him for about an hour, but nothing works.
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