Feeling Stupid in FQ
shadowedpantherne, on host
Sunday, June 30, 2002, at 15:24:13
You're Carrying: Sack Silver Coin Carrot Carrot Rope Branch Silver Key Diamond Shovel Hammer Nails Bow Arrow I'm going to feel really dumb here, but I am stuck waaayyyy back in the beginning of them game. I go east, and I meet up with the Ogre on the cliff, I go west, I meet up with the wall and the tree, I go south and I meet up with the dwarf in his garden of carrots. I've looked through the hints and this message board...and am profoundly lost on what I'm supposed to do. I believe I have gone everywhere I can and chosen every option possible...however I play this while I'm at work, so I'm not sure if I have...:§ Can someone plse help an adeventurer in distress?
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