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Re: Best Bookmarks - from a Bibliophile
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Sunday, June 2, 2002, at 18:29:06
In Reply To: Best Bookmarks - from a Bibliophile posted by teach on Sunday, June 2, 2002, at 11:47:59:

> > I'm still fretting about that poll about book markers. I use so many of those things, I was unable to pick one.
> Not me. Post-it notes (of which I am a huge fan) fit my needs perfectly. They're flat, so they don't cause a bump in the book, they stay put, even when reading in inclement conditions (eg., windy days, bathtubs), and they don't get lost: simply stick them in the back and use them again as needed. As well, if you need to make a note about what you're reading, there's a readily available spot in which to do so!
> I love Post-its. I have an embarrassing number of styles, shapes, and colours. I always use one for a book-marker, probably because I always have one on hand. Try it. I swear you'll never go back.
> I won't even go into the fact that Post-its played a pivotal part in the plot of "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion", mostly because I'm embarrassed about how much I love that movie!
> te "Blushing X 2 today" ach
> P.S. While reading this, please insert a little (TM) at the exponent spot after Post-its - I know they're trademarked. I'm bitter I don't own the patent!

I bought some Post-it notes once, but they were just plain paper with no notes posted. They were also a little sticky.

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