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New computer table
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Friday, May 31, 2002, at 17:50:22

I got a new computer table this morening. No, make that a new computer table KIT. It came in five boxes containing a total of 1,000,014 parts.

Chris and I worked all morning and part of the afternoon trying to get it together. We are about half done. It isn't any trouble, it's just that there is so much of it. Once finished, it will take up a corner of the den. It has a "hutch" with doors on the bottom and shelves on top, a two-drawer file, a CPU caddy, shelves over an L-shaped table and plenty of room for those items that you connect with 8 or 9 miles of wires and cables.

I think I will add a rear-view mirror, and cruise control. I'm actually serious about the rear view mirror, because the TV will be behind me.

I remember when the greatest thing in the world was a pocket calculator.

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