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Fantasy Quest (FQ): My Favorite Hints
Posted By: hfibonik, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2002, at 05:23:22

I think I learned more from just looking at other people's inventory lists than by reading the responses to hint requests!

Oh, you *carry* those? D'OHH, I've been *eating* them!

Hey, someone has a fish! Why don't I have a fish?

And I was tossing my rope around like a fool 'til I saw somebody had a hook on their list. Who knew?

I feel bad for those people who are so sure they gotta have gold NOW! I found that by not trying to get ahead of myself, the gold showed up when I needed it.

Peeking at your inventories helped me figure out when I was trying to accomplish something too soon or when I clearly needed to move on to someplace new. (This was me: "Here, unicorny, unicorny...")

Hey, off topic, isn't this guy hysterical? I'm still laughing over being attacked by a raging zombie and having him screech, "Examine the area? Examine the area????????? THIS IS NO TIME TO EXAMINE THE AREA!!"

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