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Re: How does one refer to oneself?
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Thursday, May 9, 2002, at 14:46:38
In Reply To: How does one refer to oneself? posted by uselessness on Wednesday, May 8, 2002, at 20:58:03:

I refer to myself in a number of ways.

I like to use the editorial "we" which is a leftover from my journalist days.

When I enter a room that contains one or more grandchildren, I often announce "Heeeeeeeeere's Poppop!" I stole that one from the Johnny Carson show.

When I call one of my kids on the phone, I say, "This is Dad."
That's what they call me.

I used to sometimes refer to myself as "Old Man Murrill" when talking to my students. "Just let Old Man Murrill show you how." They started calling me that when I was 24.

When talking to my scooter pals, who are all about as far over the hill as I am, we call our selves "old coots" or sometimes just "coots."
Coots on scoots. That has a nice ring, doesn't it.

On eBay we are all known as "the bidder" or "the seller."

In emails and forum posts, I use "I" a lot.

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