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Re: Sandwich poll
Posted By: Eric Sleator, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2002, at 10:01:13
In Reply To: Sandwich poll posted by Ellmyruh on Tuesday, May 7, 2002, at 18:07:36:

> Why on earth would someone eat a peanut butter
> and jelly sandwich with the peanut butter slice
> on top?! That's just wrong, and it's also
> upside down.

When I make PBJ's, I have two slices of bread on a paper towel. I put a huge mass of peanut butter on the left one and a huge mass of jelly on the right one. I then hold the jelly slice in my right hand and put the peanut butter slice on top of it with the other hand. Since my left hand is already on top of the peanut butter slice, which is on top of the jelly slice, I hold onto the sandwich with my left fingers on top and I move my right hand around to mirror the left. I thus don't flip the sandwich around, and I eat the sandwich with the peanut butter on top. I probably have eaten it with the peanut butter on bottom, though, and I doubt there's really a taste difference if you're not thinking about the sandwich being upside-down.

> For that matter, how can people handle hanging
> shirts in a closet so that they face different
> directions?

I just take out the shirt and put it on, regardless of which direction it's pointing in the closet. The direction doesn't make any difference once it leaves the closet.

> Or so that the pants (not those kind, Matthew)
> don't all face the same way?

Who hangs their pants? All my pants are easily folded and put into drawers. I wouldn't even fold them if their thickness (I wear jeans) didn't make it so that I had to in order to make them fit.

> Or what about those people who actually walk
> out the door in the morning with an unmade bed?

If the bed is in a horrible twisted knot I'll fix it, but mostly, so long as the covers are generally facing in the right direction, I don't see the point in making a bed. It seems pointless to me to make a bed when 1) I'm going to screw it up that very night when I go to bed, 2) I don't have time in the morning, and 3) no one's going to be in my room for the entire day. If people were coming over I'd probably make my bed, but they never do. Why bother with it when the only purpose is decoration? Beds that are made always have the sheets too high anyway.

> Some people are weird.

Tell me about it.

> Ell"don't get me started on people who don't
> fold their towels before hanging them up to
> dry"myruh

-Eric "Umm . . . " Sleator
Wed 8 May A.D. 2002

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