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Re: Sandwich poll
Posted By: Quartz, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2002, at 07:00:55
In Reply To: Sandwich poll posted by Ellmyruh on Tuesday, May 7, 2002, at 18:07:36:

> Why on earth would someone eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the peanut butter slice on top?! That's just wrong, and it's also upside down.

I know I mark myself as a rare breed of Rinkie when I say this, but generally I don't care about the exact physics of food. If I'm hungry it doesn't matter which side of the sandwich is on top. All that matters is if I can finish it in time to watch Get Smart.

But the more I think of it, the more I agree with you.

> For that matter, how can people handle hanging shirts in a closet so that they face different directions?

Or with the hangers themselves facing different ways - one hook towards you, one away from you, etc. Anybody who would want to put their hangers hooking towards them at all is deranged.

>Or so that the pants (not those kind, Matthew) don't all face the same way?

Who would hang their pants in a closet to begin with? Or, actually, shirts too, now that I think of it (I'm pro-folding, I guess).

>Or what about those people who actually walk out >the door in the morning with an unmade bed?

*blinks* You called me? I don't bother making my bed unless all the blankets (cold-blood creature that I am, I usually have two or three of them - including an afgan) are practically on the floor. Or sideways or something.

> Some people are weird.
> Ell"don't get me started on people who don't fold their towels before hanging them up to dry"myruh

Bah. And you call us bed un-makers weird....


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