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Re: Sandwich poll
Posted By: uselessness, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2002, at 19:47:22
In Reply To: Sandwich poll posted by Ellmyruh on Tuesday, May 7, 2002, at 18:07:36:

> Why on earth would someone eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the peanut butter slice on top?! That's just wrong, and it's also upside down.

Well, you see, it's a simple matter of elementary physics. When gravity is in effect (and usually, it is) it is most logical to suspend the substance least likely to make a smeared, goopy, globular mess when hanging in an upside-down position. Peanut butter, a naturally sticky and nearly solid material, is relatively dense... When an open peanut butter jar is held upside-down, it is doubtful that any will fall out. But, if a jelly jar is held upside-down, odds are that you will have a sticky, fruity mess to contend with. Therefore, it makes sense that the peanut butter slice of bread in the sandwich should go on top. Even though the peanut butter and jelly are *together* and unable to make much of a mess when smushed tightly between two pieces of bread, this scientific principle applies mostly to the action of flipping one slice over while putting it on top (to "close" the sandwich). If you put the peanut butter piece on top, there probably won't be any nasty globs falling off of it on the way to the bread slice's final destination (that being the top of the sandwich). If the slice contained jelly, there would probably be stuff oozing everywhere -- and many jelly flavors are particularly prone to badly staining tables and countertops, namely Formica.

Incidentally, I make my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with LOTS and LOTS of jelly and a more moderate amount of peanut butter. Plus, the jelly I use is actually super-chunky jam with almost-whole strawberries in it, and the peanut butter is super creamy. These variables could throw a proverbial wrench in the works of my physics theory and invalidate it for you. Experiment a bit, and see what you come up with.

-useless"I have WAY too much time on my hands"ness

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