Re: POA: Alley Fight with Jean-Claude
Shaz, on host
Monday, April 29, 2002, at 14:19:14
Re: POA: Alley Fight with Jean-Claude posted by eightcardfit on Monday, April 29, 2002, at 12:51:07:
> > This fight sucks. > > Read all the previous messages pertaining to this topic and they're all to subtle for me. > > I lunge...then spray...then lunge again with my knife that I picked up while dropping my spray...then lunge again...and he wipes his brow...then I continue in this endless loop of monotony. > > I just can't seem to find that loop of monotony that ENDS IT ALL. > > Help..please? > > Sometimes when you're stuck, it's helpful to take a step back and think about things. When during the loop would be a good time to do this? > > Barb
I sure hope you didn't mean literally take a step back b/c that just kills me and does not forge progress.
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