MR -- defeated Murkon!
Sean, on host
Tuesday, April 23, 2002, at 02:33:04
After all the trouble I had finding level 10, I'm almost disappointed. By the time I got there my 3 assassins and 3 druids were so powerful, they could wipe the floor almost up to Murkon without raising a sweat..... Though that's probably because I kept travelling down the levels to find that elusive staircase to get to level 10 (I had to post a message to get the answer).
Why is it that if you go back to town and come back to the boss monsters they are still there??? Even Murkon........ Although it makes for getting loads of experience! When my characters went back to town, even though each character had a couple of million gold, they jumped levels so much that I nearly ran out!!!!!! (It cost me around 300 thousand gold per character to rest...... they jumped about 15 levels!
Anyway, found cool assassins equipment but can't find any druids of speciality. Ah well might as well kill Murkon a few dozen more times (it is fun to kill someone you've alread killed)!
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