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Re: AHEM... don't read if you are not an MR addict...
Posted By: commie_bat, on host
Date: Monday, April 22, 2002, at 12:48:02
In Reply To: Re: AHEM... don't read if you are not an MR addict... posted by squidgunner on Monday, April 22, 2002, at 12:12:00:

> > If that's not a crazy challenge, here's one: Win the game without using any weapons, armour or any other equipment or items whatsoever.
> hmmm... that's actually an interesting one... an assassin/druid could do it for sure... the real difficulty would be just getting started...
> I like it!

In my attempt to be a total wannabe and finish the game with one character/no magic, Sir Perinnite the Nonmagical fought (and won) his first battle before I realized his weapon and armour weren't equipped.

I wouldn't like to have a go at a no-equipment game with a Druid, cause they never gain WC. Think how much time you'd spend slapping Murkon around before you reduced his 20k+ HP. I think the most damage you could ever do to him would be with THROTTLE, which tops out around 128 HP. You'd be better off starting with a Sorcerer and then retraining to Wizard, and you'd learn your spells quicker. Also, Druids gain fewer HP than all the other classes, which means more mindless slaughter of dragons and wights before you can have a go at Murky himself.

I guess it'd be trickier to do a no-equipment/no-magic game, but at least you could have an Assassin who would eventually get up to 50 WC and 65 AC, and then you'd be off to the races a la Squinting Guy. It would just take you till level 300 or so. Graviton the Assassin is up to level 131 and he has WC 55 and AC 60, which includes a WC 12 sword and AC 34 worth of equipped armour. Oddly enough, this makes Graviton more than twice as dangerous with his bare hands as Gluon (a fully trained Knight) is with his WC 20 sword.

I also think it's more fun to do the game with more equipment than with less. While going through spellless is a legitimate challenge (some classes are naturally spellless), doing it with no items is just twisted. I'm on my third and fourth games, and I still can't find the Gem of Passage without MAP, even with casting BLAZE.

Anyway, if you really want to do this, go right ahead. I'm perfectly happy with my Items of Extra-Specialness, and I wouldn't trade them for all the gold in Teralt.


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