Murkon: Healings, nothing more than healings
commie_bat, on host
Wednesday, April 17, 2002, at 07:55:44
Possible spoiler below if you don't want to know what Wizard spells are on the way.
S P O I L E R S P A C E . . .
I've been wondering for a long time why there's no intermediate healing spell between CURE and RESTORE. I've found CURE useless from a very early stage of the game, once my casters learned RESTORE. It could have taken up the place in the spell list where you put MEDLEY, since all MEDLEY really does is save you three seconds and a couple of SP. The caster could just pick up a couple of extra SP on the level where he would have learned MEDLEY. Also, since AWAKE is worth 6 SP, you could have made RESTORE at least 9, and have a BIGCURE spell or some such thing for 7 SP that heals 5-250 HP. Having some randomness in one's healing magic is part of the FrUstratioN sometimes.
I'm sorry, I know this is Sam's game, not mine, but this is just how I think.
^v^:)^v^ FB
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