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Murkon's Royal Sampler
Posted By: commie_bat, on host
Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2002, at 23:50:13

My quest to have one character of each class at all times, and to have them all learn all spells and obtain the best possible Items of Specialness is progressing quite nicely.

Thus far I have retrained all of my characters once, and they will soon all know at least one full set of spells. It turns out that even with mostly freshly retrained characters you can kill lots of stuff on level 8, provided that you use the right spells.

I suspect one more round of retraining will give them all full knowledge of all 72 spells. The only problem with that is that I keep having to wait for characters to accumulate the numbers for Assassin or Druid training. This should get easier as more of my characters learn Sorcerer spells, since I can send them out in pairs to scour level 8 for monsters and go diving for Items of Specialness there.

As it currently stands, my party is as follows:

Z zero: level 9 Assassin (knows Wizard spells)
W minus: level 0 Knight (knows Sorcerer spells)
W plus: level 15 Rogue (knows Sorcerer spells)
Gluon: level 0 Sorcerer
Photon: level 9 Wizard
Graviton: level 14 Druid

The first three are female.

If you are not a physics ubernerd, please ignore this paragraph: I'm sorry that the weak force mediators are female, but it was the most natural split of my party into three male and three female that I could think of. I am also aware that the "males" in my party are massless, whereas the "females" are rather heavy. This is perfectly in tune with the perception of the world that most of the females I know have.

Question: do pools on level 10 have better treasure than pools on level 8? I'm assuming they do.


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