TOA-I Was stupid with the rat, PLEASE HElP
Kayston, on host
Monday, April 15, 2002, at 23:38:44
I have completed three of the tasks for the professors but the one that eludes me is that sneaky little rat. What kills me is, I had him out of the storage room but accidently hit put the trap down and let him back in. Since then I have literally spent hours chasing him around. I know that I have to get him towards the middle and do so indirectly but I can't seem to find the correct sequence again. Can ANYONE help me, spoilers are sooooo welcome at this point and you can email them to me to save the game for others if you like. I will even take any hints I can get. I would really appreciate ANY help I could get. I'm about ready to invest in a cat and I'm allergic ;-) Thanks in advance, Kayston
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