Re: Murkon's Refuge: Levels 8 and 9 (SPOILERS)
Trip, on host
Monday, April 15, 2002, at 10:11:30
Re: Murkon's Refuge: Levels 8 and 9 (SPOILERS) posted by Joona I Palaste on Monday, April 15, 2002, at 09:34:40:
> Speaking of level 9, is there any way to get to level 10 other than falling through that chute? Don't tell me what that way is, just tell me if it's there or not.
Since you mentioned not having seen a reference to the other half of the amulet, I figured you hadn't run across the chute space yet. That was the one I thought you had yet to discover.
When you go down the chute without having the other amulet half, it blocks you but mentions half an amulet on the wall. So I knew for a while that I'd eventually be stumbling across that other amulet half somewhere.
-- Trip
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