Re: Murkon's Refuge: Wizards and Sorcerors
commie_bat, on host
Saturday, April 13, 2002, at 06:07:24
Murkon's Refuge: Wizards and Sorcerors posted by Joona I Palaste on Saturday, April 13, 2002, at 03:18:12:
> I don't get it at all. My Human Wizard is now level 20, and all his stats are at least 22. Despite this, HE STILL DOES *NOT* KNOW THAT BLOODY WIZARD SPELL #34! What secret sect do I have to join to have him learn it? > > On another note, my Troll Sorceror has now reached the minimum stats for an Assassin and he knows all 36 Sorceror spells. Should I retrain him as an Assassin now?
I like having three Assassins in my party, but I find Wizards often make better ones because it allows them to conserve their healing magic for people who need it. I had one Sorcerer-turned-Assassin, and she was good for DISARMing stuff, but you'll soon find there's not much a Sorcerer spell can do that an Assassin can't do with the right equipment and experience.
I suggest three Assassins and three other characters who know Sorcerer spells. Of course there's no reason for more people not to know Sorcerer spells. More is always better.
^v^:)^v^ FB
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