Re: I'm just full of Murkon questions today
Sam, on host
Friday, April 12, 2002, at 12:21:13
I'm just full of Murkon questions today posted by commie_bat on Friday, April 12, 2002, at 11:26:46:
> What I need to know is, are there six such Items of Extra-Specialness (weapon, helmet, armour, shield, gloves, boots) for each class, or will I be wasting my time looking for some of them?
That will be a lot of wasted time. There are two class-specific items for each class, although these items are not necessarily evenly distributed amongst the different equipment categories. There are also some other non-class-specific items with similar kinds of bonuses. If you manage to find all the class-specific items, I'm sure you will have also found all of those, too, but if you're in doubt, holler (or email me if I miss it in this forum) and I can check your game to make sure you found everything.
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