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Re: Murkon's Refuge: Still stuck on level 4 (SPOILERS)
Posted By: Joona I Palaste, on host
Date: Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 14:20:43
In Reply To: Re: Murkon's Refuge: Still stuck on level 4 (SPOILERS) posted by ZasZ on Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 13:54:49:

> > I managed to kill the Gatekeeper and his henchmen, but not the way you described. Instead, what I did was:
> >
> > A) Kill everything along the way. I used spells for Wights, Gryphons, Drakes, Chimaeras and Phoenigi, and killed everything else with normal weapons.
> >
> > B) At the Gatekeeper's door, cast Cure on each Knight until they are close to their full Hit points.
> >
> > C) Have each Knight attack a different group of henchmen and have the Wizard attack the biggest group of henchmen with Contagion.
> >
> > D) Have the Sorcerer cast Conceal until each character's AC reaches 100. Then cast Fireburst or Razors at the biggest group of henchmen.
> Actually, the help section says AC greater than 65 is unhittable. So, that means you wasted a round or two. :P

D'oh! Well, anyway, the Gatekeeper is dead now.

I guess if I had been given the task of designing the combat system, I would have made it something like the following:

Chance of monster hitting = (factor/100%) ^ AC

This makes the chance of monster hitting decrease asymptotically as AC increases, but the chance never hits zero.

For example for factor=90% we get 90%, 81%, 72.9%, 65.61% and so on.

But Sam's done a good enough job, actually his system is easier for the player than mine!

> > E) When only the Gatekeeper is left, attack him with every weapon and spell still left.
> >
> > This way the Gatekeeper died and I got his key.
> >
> >
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> >
> > I managed to get to Kaliti (and appeared on the Murkon's Refuge Hall of Fame, woohoo!). Should I now use Kaliti as my home base instead of Perinn? What about that elevator, is it the only way to get to level 5 and below? Should I tackle levels 5 through 8 in order?
> I use Kaliti, as it's closer to the tougher levels. I'm not going to tell you about these other levels, though. :)

Kaliti it is, then. I've ventured out to level 5 and got two-thirds of my party killed, but they had enough treasure with them to resurrect them. Tomorrow I'm going to try to tackle that level again.

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