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Re: Wha...?
Posted By: Matthew, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2002, at 06:11:24
In Reply To: Wha...? posted by Quartz on Tuesday, February 12, 2002, at 14:50:48:

Wyhen i first read this, I thought that Tripod had done it again. They won't think twice before deleting a website without *any* warning whatsoever. I know because they did it to me. But, fortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. still exists, because it tells you that Tripod doesn't allow directory listing. That means that there is no index.html present. As a question, why do you need the URL to be as oppposed to

Anyway, it appears to be the case that you simply haven't got a spiffydoodles folder. Use Tripod's File Manager and have a look at your website's contents, making that folder if you need/want to. Then make sure that there's an index.html somewhere and it should all work fine.


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