TOA: Sat night (spoilers)
AngelFish, on host
Sunday, December 16, 2001, at 08:17:25
It's Sat night, and time passsed before I could complete three of the four professors' tasks I managed the photos of the artifacts, so have the gas, I have performed the interview, but cannot get into the science building, I've found a wheelbarrow, but the bookstore is locked, and I've no idea what to do with the broken mailroom key (again, everything is locked).
I have visited Chris, but I won't go out with him until tomorrow. I've rung my brother, but can't visit him untill tomorrow, I've got the red dress and fancy shoes, but have nowhere to wear them. The only thing which seems to be going on is at the Town Hall, and I can't get in, and the nerds are still being chased by a jock.
Any hints, please?! What do I need to do to move Sat night on to Sunday morning?
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