Mine in Perils of Akumos
jonathan, on host
Monday, December 10, 2001, at 18:05:02
I've already opened three barriers in the mines, helped a miner with a stuck cart, another with a broken drill, another with a stuck leg, and found a bunch of shiny rocks.
-Where can I find something to destroy that pillar in the southeastern part of the mine?
-Is there anything past that south tunnel at the sandstone caverns that's too small to enter while in a cart?
-Also, how do I get Verna's passcard, or some way to make Verna answer her door?
Item list: 2 Nanoxite Stones--Scrap of Paper--Silver Key--Metal Rod--Pet Snacks--5 Peryolitium Shards--I.D. Card--Gold Key--Pickaxe--Matches--Leather Briefcase--Passcard (CQ20024)--Peryolitium Key--Wrench--Washcloth--Metal Briefcase--Passcard (CQ30021)--Vault Key--Noise Filter Headset--Round Pot--Employment Papers--Passcard (CQ60537)--Dragon Key--Knife--Small Mirror--Violations Report--Supply Room Card--Crowbar--ISO Energy Pulse Gun--Sleeping Pills--Experimental Results Papers--Mine Access Card--Light Tube--Tranquilizer Gun--Rock--Beetle Analysis Papers--OSA Card--Radio Receiver--Military Uniform--Tranquilizer Spray--Peryolitium Shell Diagrams--Izacladia Access Card--Fire Extinguisher--ISO Officer's Cap--ISO Accident Report--Business Card--Crank--Leather Vest
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