Re: Real Music
Jezzika, on host
Thursday, December 6, 2001, at 23:32:01
Real Music posted by Grishny on Tuesday, December 4, 2001, at 13:44:46:
> Okay, here's my opinion. Billy Joel has some > catchy tunes. So do a host of others. But will > they stand the test of time? How do we know > their popularity isn't just a flash-in-the-pan > phenomenon? >
So what if they are? Why should we get all cerebral and pretentious over what music appeals to us? It's called pop music for a reason. I don't feel like writing an essay entitled "The Enduring Worth Of The Police" just because I think they're cool. :)
> How 'bout this: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, > Vivaldi, Brahms, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Liszt, > Berlioz, Strauss, Wagner, Puccini, Haydn, > Handel, Tchaikovsky, Katchaturian, Mahler, > Boccherini, Saint-Saens, DeBussy, and Tallis > rule. Billy Joel and the host of others... they > rock. > > Gri"c'est mon avis"shny
Maybe only 1% of the Earth's population know who those composers are, and a small fraction more only know their music from Warner Bros cartoons. So do they *really* rule?