Re: TOA BOMBS and Jocks!
RiftTraveler, on host
Thursday, November 22, 2001, at 08:30:31
TOA BOMBS posted by Lisa on Thursday, November 22, 2001, at 08:19:24:
alrighty, I can help you with both, I think.
TFirst of all, the bombs.
I foudn this one really easy. That's nto an insult to you. It's just that I find puzzles like that easy. Now, let me give you the advice I give everyone on starting with puzzles like this:
MAKE A MAP. Forget about the map that you got at the bookstore. I found itmore confusing then helpful. My handdrawn map helped me out infinitely more then that one. I could write notes in teh margins, and next to spaces and what not.
OKay, if you've located all six cars, you should have just enough moves to activate all six bombs. Start with the car in the southeatern nerd parking lot, then move west, then north, then north again, then east, then east again. TO the closest parking lot that is in tha tgeneral location.
One final bit of advice, locate and place all the car bombs before you get serious about activating them all.
Now, about the jock. To get him to admit he's scared, you have to do a couple of things. One, you have to keep pecking away at him, and get him to admit several things, that have nothing to do with being scared. Secondly, you have to take a path that you wouldn't think woudl take you anywhere. Once you do that, all the stuf fyou got him to mention before will be used against him, and he will break down and admit he's scared. I promise. It took me about fiteen minutes to half an hour. I always kinda lose track of time when playing these games.
I hope this all helps. sorry I wrote a frockin novel. Have a happy thanksgiving!
-Rift "Gobble Gobble Gobble" Traveler