Re: Still More Thoughts
julian, on host
Friday, September 28, 2001, at 06:36:57
Re: Still More Thoughts posted by wintermute on Friday, September 28, 2001, at 01:42:15:
> > > 2) The "diplomacy" consisted of 10 years of economic and diplomatic sanctions. That is to say, the British Govt actively avoided doing anything that might be seen as a diplomatic solution, focusing instead on applying pressure to Lybia, leading to the pain and suffering of untold numbers of civilians. > > > > > winter"Any other questions?"mute > > > > > > I have one. I don't know what this particular instance of it consisted of, but this "pressure" that you mention, is that the same as "diplomatic pressure"? And in that case, isn't that diplomacy? > > > > Or maybe I misunderstood "yeah" ... > > > > jul"just a question about terms"ian > > *Economic* pressure. And, yes, maybe that could be considered diplomacy, but if that's so, then threatening to send troops into Afghanistan (military pressure) is also diplomacy. > > winter"Take your pick"mute
Hmmmm... I'll pick the ... left! No! The right! I think the diplomacy I've been thinking of is the work done by diplomats, i.e. envoys of the state, and in that case I think both economic pressure and threatening to use force falls under that definition. I'll admit that this is slightly wider than
Main Entry: di·plo·ma·cy Pronunciation: d&-'plO-m&-sE Function: noun Date: 1796 1 : the art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations 2 : skill in handling affairs without arousing hostility : _TACT_
jul"diplomacy can be quite tactless"ian